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Our Projects
Old Library Park

The beautiful park in the center of Historic Wickford has long been a project of Plum Beach Garden Club.


First dedicated in 1985 ...

In the early 1980’s, it was a forlorn vacant lot next to the old Library on Brown Street.  The North Kingstown Planning Department invited PBGC to submit plans for beautifying this high-profile location, and together they worked to create a more inviting public space.  It was completed and dedicated in 1985. 

Renovated and re-dedicated in 2003...

By 2000, the Park needed a rejuvenation, so the Club went to work again to raise the funds necessary – more than $30,000.  The renovation was completed and dedicated in 2003. 

Throughout each year, PBGC members weed, prune, plant and care for this park enjoyed by so many.

The sale of custom engraved bricks in the walk has been a major source of fund raising for PBGC since 1997.

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"The Readers"  ...  When visiting

the park, be sure to see this whimsical bronze statue -- purchased and installed by PBGC in 2005.

Gilbert Stuart Herb Garden

For decades, Plum Beach Garden Club has been tending this treasure at Gilbert Stuart’s birthplace. In 2004, PBGC raised enough money to renovate and expand this recreation of an18th century herb garden.  It is just one of many wonderful reasons to visit the Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum. 

Youth Education

Members of PBGC visit elementary students at local  schools to explain the importance of monarch butterflies as pollinators.


Together they have planted milkweed gardens.The undersides of milkweed leaves are the only place monarchs lay their eggs. Which is why milkweed is essential to the existence of monarch butterflies.  


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North Kingstown Food Pantry

In 2015, club members

coordinated the design and

installation of new landscaping at the Food Pantry. PBGC Members

help maintain the gardens for this worthy organization. Every year PBGC members individually contribute money at the holiday season to the Food Pantry, and PBGC matches their contributions.

Pollinator Habitat at Casey Farm
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Plum Beach Garden Club, in partnership with Pollinator Rescue Project RI, began the creation of a Pollinator Habitat at Casey Farm in 2016.  Funding for the project was facilitated by PBGC member Carol Gjelsvik.  PBGC has been active in the planting and the maintenance of the Pollinator Habitat. 


All are invited to visit this garden that is part of the mission to educate and demonstrate how pollinator friendly gardens can be established on any scale.

Hussey Bridge Garden

     In November 2017, after a year of planning, members of Plum Beach Garden Club started work on one of their newest project - the Hussey Bridge Garden at the corner of Brown Street.


     A thoughtful landscape plan for this very visible corner was created by Linda Oliver Hughes, and the project will continue to be shepherded by Donnalee Fronce. This is a RIDOT Adopt-A-Spot location.

End-Of-Main Garden
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In fall of 2022 club members Sue Smith, Darlene Vincent and Christine Fernald received permission from North Kingstown for Plum Beach Garden Club to renovate and maintain a garden at the end of Main St near the entrance to Gardner’s Wharf.  This is one of the most visited locations in Wickford -- it offers a peaceful place to enjoy Wickford harbor and the activities on the waterfront. 

Blue Star Memorial Traffic Islands
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     The three traffic islands at the intersection of Route 1 and West Main Street are considered the “Gateway to Wickford Village”. 

      Plum Beach Garden Club spent four years working to get state and local approvals to beautify this high-profile location. They planned and designed the space, and raised $50,000 to accomplish this project. The club was able to replicate the beautiful Welcome to Wickford sign thanks to a generous donation of $6,000 from the Wickford Historical Society. 

      In 2009 the efforts of this major project were rewarded when it was designated and dedicated as a Blue Star 

Memorial By-Way. 

      Blue Star Memorial markers are part of a nationwide network of thousands of locations throughout the USA honoring the Armed Forces of America, past and present … a program started by National Garden Clubs after WWII.  

      This is a RIDOT Adopt-A-Spot location. 

Click to read the Senate Resolution in 2009 honoring the

Plum Beach Garden Club for this project.

Anne Wallau Garden in Updike Park
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The charming Anne Wallau Garden at the corner of Updike Park provides a perfect place for people to sit and relax on a stroll through Wickford. ANNE’S GARDEN was planned and planted by Plum Beach Garden Club in 1996 and was funded by family and friends of Anne as a tribute to her memory. PBGC continues the upkeep and maintenance of Anne's Garden and is grateful to Anne’s brother, Alex, for his recent donation of $5,000 in support of our projects. 

Historic Wickford Sign

Coming or going, Wickford

greets everyone with a burst

of enthusiastic colors.

Plum Beach Garden Club is happy

to include this high-visibility location

on Route 1A next to the original

North Kingstown Town Hall as one of its community projects.

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Arbor Garden in Updike Park
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In October 2020 PBGC renovated a neglected corner in Updike Park, directly to the right as you enter from West Main St. under the landmark Arbor.  The project was made possible by generous contributions from Kostas Karampetsos, proprietor of Tavern By The Sea, and Joe Kolb, owner of Wickford Wealth Management, pictured (l to R) with PBGC President Kathleen Romeo and Civic Beautification Chair Linda Sollitto.

Daffodil Project

In the Fall of 2016, the PBGC planted hundreds of daffodils to kick off a new community beautification project. Since then, more than 16,000 daffodils have been planted all around town. 

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Nursing Home Project

PBGC members visit local nursing homes during the year to help the residents create flower arrangements for their rooms.  

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Holiday Traditions

Every December Plum Beach Garden Club decorates and delivers a wreath to shine a holiday spotlight on North Kingstown’s finest at the North Kingstown Police and Fire Headquarter.   


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On the other side of town, members put up and decorate trees in Old Library Park. This tradition dates back more than 20 years and is reason to include the park on a stroll through Wickford Village’s Festival of Lights each year. 


Meals on Wheels

To celebrate holidays and seasons members create flower arrangements that are delivered with Meals on Wheels.

PBGC makes annual donations to:

•  RIFGC, Inc, Life Member Group

•  North Kingstown Food Pantry 

•  Gilbert Stuart Herb Garden

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Plum Beach Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) organization.   Any donations you make will be acknowledged for your tax purposes.

Plum Beach Garden Club is Class 2 Garden Club as defined by the National Garden Clubs.

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