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The link above will take you to a website with extensive information for all levels of interest in the topic of pollinators ... including classroom educational materials, posters, pamphlets, and more.  

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Harriet Powell, Champion of Pollinators

     The Plum Beach Garden Club is pleased to present an Award of Excellence to Harriet Powell for her dedication, leadership and activism in educating people about the plight of pollinators and what each of us can do to restore their numbers. 

     Harriet began her interest in the pollinators during her tenure on the North Kingstown Ground Water Committee when she realized that improving the fate of pollinators, along with other wildlife, coincided with a number of goals to protect our water quality and quantity. As Chair of the Ground Water Committee, she encouraged the committee to discuss and publicize ways to help pollinators while protecting our water supply. 

      Specifically, lawns of turf grass need a great deal of water and provide zero food for pollinators. Adding shrubs, flowers and other plantings, hopefully native, could raise the amount of pollinator food to a level above zero and help pollinators survive. Other helpful strategies to conserve water and support pollinators include letting the lawn grow to at least 3 inches before mowing, over seeding with clover and allowing an occasional dandelion.

            Harriet was also active in the passing of two pollinator-friendly proclamations by the North Kingstown Town Council. And she initiated talks with the Plum Beach Garden Club which led to the forming of a group called the Pollinator Rescue Project RI which joined together the PBGC, the Ground Water Committee, Casey Farm and other groups, such as the Boy and Girl Scouts, and individuals to establish and maintain a pollinator friendly garden at Casey Farm, aided by a grant from Feed a Bee. 

            Harriet Powell has been a leader in the North Kingstown fight to educate our community about the plight of pollinators and to actively take steps to increase pollinator access to pollinator friendly plants.

October 2020

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June 2020 ...
Pollinator Habitat at Casey Farm
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In 2016, Plum Beach Garden Club, in partnership with Pollinator Rescue Project RI, began the creation of a pollinator friendly garden at Casey Farm.  PBGC member Carol Gjelsvik, pictured above center, facilitated the funding for the project and has played a key role in planning, planting and maintenance.

As evidenced by the slideshow below, the Pollinator Habitat has evolved over the years and is a fine example of how a pollinator garden can be beautiful and serve great environmental purpose. All are invited to visit.  

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Click image to enlarge

Educational Poster

Our 48"x30" trifold poster is

available for appropriate venues and events.   Please request by email:

Plum Beach Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) organization.   Any donations you make will be acknowledged for your tax purposes.

Plum Beach Garden Club is Class 2 Garden Club as defined by the National Garden Clubs.

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